We loved it there, and even made an offer on a house (sadly, we were outbid, so we're still looking for a place near the U with room for me to build bikes).
Bottom line: in Salt Lake, you can ride your bike on basically any trail you want. You can take your well-behaved dog out on the trails without getting the stinkeye from the rich NIMBYs who drove alone to the trailhead in their giant cars, and the mountains themselves aren't covered with houses and no trespassing signs. The air pollution is a bummer, and we'll miss the bike paths here, but the bottom line is that after visiting, it's really hard to choose Boulder if you like the outdoors.
It's also pretty clear that CU loses badly to UofU in a direct comparison. While CU is raising tuition 15% a year (and giving giant raises to their administrators) and research is being done in crappy 60 year old buildings, the UofU has new, nice facilities designed specifically for the kind of research Sarah does (ie, you can move around without knocking things over, the climate controls work right, sinks are big enough for washing stuff, etc). We were super impressed with the professors and the facilities, and the overall morale of the students and postdocs. CU is great, but on the trajectory they're on now, they're being left behind.
Likely ETA in Salt Lake is mid to late August. I'm hoping the move will be relatively painless. I'm told, weirdly enough, that there is not a single framebuilder in the Salt Lake area, so if you're excited to work with a local guy and live in Salt Lake, get on the waitlist now!
BTW, the picture is of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, which IMO *by itself* (all the locals say they only ride it when all the other trails are snowed in) beats the riding that you can do from town in Boulder.
Congrats! Big year for all!
Out bid on a house? Sounds like the housing market is coming back.
Wow, congrats to you both!!
Big time bummer for us in CO!!! You will be missed.
Wooooo! Congratulations!
Walt, Welcome to Utah! Though I moved to Chicago, Utah is still home. Next time I come out, me and Fatty will introduce you to the real mountain biking in Utah county.
@Brad doesn't ride real trails :) they scare him. that's why he headed down to provo for riding and then chicago. Welcome to SLC, in august. Just spent 4 hours wandering around the BST today,
Welcome to Utah! I love the mountain biking here. If you liked the BST (it's a fine trail), just wait until you ride the Wasatch Crest and Park City. Because of the biking (and skiing, hiking, climbing, canyoneering, etc.) you'd have to drag me away from Utah.
I am super psyched! I'll keep everyone updated on the impending move - probably have an open-shop/free-beer-on-Walt party soon after we get there.
"Free beer on Walt", sounds kind of gross...
holler! i'm pumped to have my weldmold 880t supplier moving closer. stop by for a visit if'n you find yourself in san jorge.
I love your wife for moving you to Utah. As the locals say, it's Zion.
The best part is, you can add a few more wives;)
Welcome to Utah - There is one builder in the SLC Area- Alta Classic Cycles - But he builds lugged road frames.
There's another builder here - Edwin Cycles - but I'm sure he won't mind. I'be been in SLC for 5 years, moving to the Western Slope in 2 weeks (it's home). I think you'll enjoy the Wasatch. The people can be a bit..... different, though, unless you're mormon, in which case, never mind!
Seriously, there is enough diversity in the U and urban neighborhoods (sugarhouse, 9th and 9th, etc) that the city does have a pulse.
Best of luck on your move!
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