Thursday, August 30, 2012

A spirit from the vasty deep...

Gold star to anyone (other than Eddie) who knows what I'm building here...


Alistair said...

Long John cargo bike?

Walt said...

Crap! Too easy!

I should have posted something from when I was mitering the keel. More difficult that way...

Walt said...

You still get a gold star, though.

Alistair said...

Cool project. I've never built one myself but I've always wanted to.
Can you tell me what dia. x wall tube you used for the boom tube?

Alistair said...

Thanks for the gold star. Haven't gotten one of those in quite some time...

Anonymous said...

That workshop looks a lot more spacious and airy than your old one...

Walt said...

Yes, the shop is awesome.

Alistair - keel is 1.75x.083"