Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ugly sweaters 2011

No picture of Sarah this year, she stuck with the old tried-and-true snowballs gig. But she found me a 2 sizes too small women's turtleneck at the thrift store. Not sure what she's trying to tell me, here...

Tie is from McCalla's wedding!

And yes, I am aware that posting this kind of picture of myself is unlikely to lead to large numbers of custom bike sales. What can I say? Apparently I didn't get enough public humiliation in middle school, and I'm desperate for more.


an employed Spaniard said...

I am really happy I learned touch-typing in High School because I just stabbed my eyes out on my Walt-o-works fork.

Ah, sweet relief!!

Anonymous said...

All I can think when I see that tie is, "Here be my junk".

Brian Andrew Fuentes said...

No Walt, thats not a christmas sweater, thats the 2012 prototype team jersey! What have you done!!!!?!??!?! Great, now Garmin is going to copy our colors again.