Thursday, September 09, 2010

By Request: Applesauce!

Yes, someone actually asked me for a recipe. This one is dead easy.

Step 1: Pick a whole bunch of apples (or, I guess, you could buy them). For applesauce, you really want pretty tart apples (IMO) or it's so bland it doesn't end up tasting very good. Opinions vary about that, obviously.

Step 2: Take your apples, core them (and cut out any wormy bits) and stack them up in a big pot. Pour in enough boiling water that the top few apples are pretty much dry, but all the others are covered. Put a lid on and boil for about 10 minutes.

Step 3: Ladle out the apples and water and blend up in a blender, mixing in about 1/4c sugar (or more/less depending on your taste) and 1/8c lemon juice per 10 cups of apples/water. Food processor works too, of course.

Step 4: If you want to, can the applesauce so you can keep it around all year. You can find all kinds of articles online about how to do this, so I'm not going to describe the process here. If not, just put the 'sauce in the fridge and it'll keep for a week or two. You can also freeze it if you prefer.

Super, duper easy.


Hassan of Red Orchard said...

Ah... no ginger? What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

I usually just cook down cored and sliced apples with a splash of water, a bit of lemon and some brown sugar until they fall apart on their own. Stop earlier and it's chunky, cook longer and it's fine.

Ginger sounds good, though.

(had to post as wv is: cosinar)

Walt said...

Hassan - Ginger is for hippies.
Anon - Never tried it that way. I like my power tools - and I like to leave the skins on, so it works best if I pulverize with the FP a bit.

Hassan Ain't no Hippy! said...

wow, this explains why Carolynn keeps putting eucalyptus oil on the shopping list.