Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random pictures

Mike and Jon were both promised pictures. Here they are. Minimal commentary tonight, though, as I'm feeling like I'm getting sick and didn't sleep well. Sorry about the weird formatting, something odd is going on with either A) blogger or B) my brain. I'll leave you to speculate about which is more likely.

The only picture that is probably interesting to those of you who aren't Mike or Jon is this one - for the hobby frame builders out there, here's a great way to hold your brazeons in place. Just get some spring clamps, weld/braze some pieces of tube into the jaws, and then braze/weld some big fat welding rod (like I've done) or old coat hanger, or whatever, onto the other side. Presto! Brazeon holder.


Anonymous said...

You can have the ventana rear triangle powder coated? sweet. of course i knew that, but it is sweet looking nonetheless.

-Mike, future WW's owner.

Jon said...

Thanks Walt! Looks like a bike!

Anonymous said...

I was hoping to read an entry about this....


Sounds like some serious marketing mumbo jumbo to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm a neat freak and your garage/shop is making me ill!

Walt said...

Dude, I am the biggest slob on earth. Seriously. You should probably never come here, or you'll have some kind of fit...