Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quote of the weekend...

"It is counterintuitive but true: Enhancing publicly-funded recreational amenities increases complaints about publicly-funded recreational amenities. This has led some libertarian critics to propose that public recreation makes people unhappy, and given enough of it, the public will completely consist of angry socialists. However, it is possible that the complaining and whining generated by the availability of a new recreational amenity does not represent new and unique complaints, but a reallocation of complaints from a hypothetical total number of complainer-hours available to the bitching public."

-? Anyone know who said this?

(apropos of people complaining online about the opening of the new Valmont Bike Park)


Ed said...

wild guess - John Galt?


Mo said...


Mo said...


Buzz said...

The quote was too obtuse for me to concentrate long enough to finish reading.

Bike Park is great, and that's coming from someone who will never go there. It will train 1,000's of future voters that bikes are good. Meanwhile, the 15 people who have run Boulder for the last 20 years will have finally died.

Walt said...

No, not me. I genuinely do not know.

It's not quite Galtian, either, so I doubt Ms. Rand wrote it for him. I could be wrong.

Colin M said...

People at MTBR will always have something to bitch about. The only time they stop is when the servers go down. Then those folks just bitch about the servers, but we can't hear them and those times are the best.

Same goes for Facebook. I had a nice conversation with the SSUSA folks about the heat they were getting. We ended up agreeing that it was actually pretty fun seeing the Boulder elite getting their feathers ruffled. Punk rock is a way of life and such. :)

Walt said...

It was actually the folks on the Daily Camera site, but yeah, MTBR haters are just as bad. People need some real drama in their lives, so they can figure out that bikes are not that big of a deal...

Feldy said...

Why'd you "make" me start reading that crap? I need to go and pop some...well, just chillax, I guess. I wonder sometimes how many people's opinions each erroneous comment represents.

Anonymous said...

Who is John Galt? We think that's a strange name for a man. Are they somehow separate from the great WE? Anyway, from our experience working with the City Council, we know that when we are satisfied by the Council's decisions, we become quiet, but we join our brothers in bitching when we are not satisfied enough. And we are rarely satisfied enough.

Sorry, we ... I ... couldn't stop myself from a little Rand mash-up.