Saturday, July 05, 2014

Alice Tesla Altschuler

Born on Tuesday with a considerably more complex procedure than we were hoping for (little tip: if your kid wraps their umbilical around their neck _4_ times, she is not coming out the normal way) and longer hospital stay than we wanted. But everyone is now doing great and we are psyched to have a beautiful daughter.

For those who don't know: Tesla. Tesla. How much more awesome of a middle name could you ask for?

Thanks to everyone for your support, and thanks for your patience as I restart the bike-building.

Also, if anyone has a turquoise I7 King headset... let me know. I think I lost Lance's. :(


rideswithscissors said...

Congratulations! She is so beautiful, and it is obvious why she made everyone wait, you can see that she is royalty!

taryn said...

Yay! Welcome Alice! Sounds like she's a potential whirling dervish - just wait til she starts walking.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Walt...and LOVE the middle name!


29er Guy said...


mike said...

Congrats, Walt! Nice lookin' kid...

Sweet blanket, too!

Anonymous said...

"crime fighter" is probably still a better middle name as fas as those things go

Anonymous said...

Congrats you guys! Pre-defining her as a nerd! Good luck with the lack of sleep, I can only imagine.

minh said...


Rody said...

Happy day! Best wishes to the family Walt.


onlyontwo said...

Congrats Walt, and family!
