Born on Tuesday with a considerably more complex procedure than we were hoping for (little tip: if your kid wraps their umbilical around their neck _4_ times, she is not coming out the normal way) and longer hospital stay than we wanted. But everyone is now doing great and we are psyched to have a beautiful daughter.
For those who don't know: Tesla. Tesla. How much more awesome of a middle name could you ask for?
Thanks to everyone for your support, and thanks for your patience as I restart the bike-building.
Also, if anyone has a turquoise I7 King headset... let me know. I think I lost Lance's. :(
Congratulations! She is so beautiful, and it is obvious why she made everyone wait, you can see that she is royalty!
Yay! Welcome Alice! Sounds like she's a potential whirling dervish - just wait til she starts walking.
Congrats Walt...and LOVE the middle name!
Congrats, Walt! Nice lookin' kid...
Sweet blanket, too!
"crime fighter" is probably still a better middle name as fas as those things go
Congrats you guys! Pre-defining her as a nerd! Good luck with the lack of sleep, I can only imagine.
Happy day! Best wishes to the family Walt.
Congrats Walt, and family!
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