Monday, May 27, 2013

City Creek with Cletus and Randolph

Sarah insists on pulling the trailer now that she's back in shape and can easily drop me if I'm pulling it, so to make things even, I rode the cargo bike and carried 2 special friends (plus the diaper bag). You cannot even imagine the looks our little flotilla got on the way up the canyon...


Jared said...

Those don't look like "little friends." More power to you both!

taryn said...

You named your rocks?

Anonymous said...

Best. Group ride. Ever.

Walt said...

Did I mention I was in full (matching) spandex?

Yes, it was awesome. And yes, those rocks both deserved names.

taryn said...

Well, that's a relief. For a minute I thought Bean had been renamed.

BigHank53 said...

I know someone who named his kidney stones. They weren't suitable names for a family blog. Dude, you're a hero.