Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good stuff to have around...

...if you're a bike builder, or just someone with an amazingly crap car. Some people brag that their bikes are worth more than their car. Mine is probably worth an order of magnitude more.
-Rubber bands.

-Garbage and an old innertube (never, never clean your car, folks!)

Yes, Matt, this is why I have yet to get anything much done on your frame today. On the plus side, the radiator hose blew up (spectacularly!) within a few hundred feet of a pretty sweet trail, so we went for a ride while we waited for it to cool down. And the "fix" easily got us the 40 miles home. Nice.

1 comment:

NickS said...

So does the same logic work if you have an expensive car but lots and lots of top end custom Waltworks bikes?