Thursday, December 10, 2009

Photos for James

James has the dubious distinction of being the person whose bike was built (or, rather, is being built) in the coldest temperatures *ever* at Waltworks world headquarters. So, since my feet and hands get numb after about half an hour of work, it's been going slowly. But we're getting there - I'm hoping to finish the rear end tomorrow or Monday.

I like to cap the fork blades with quarters, because they're just the right size, and everyones like George Washington and/or Bald Eagles. They've got a lot of stuff in them that doesn't particularly like to be TIG welded, but it works with a little patience.


Jamesb said...

Is that flux on around those canti posts of is that frost?
Thanks for the pix Walt.

Rob Young said...

Must likely flux, as they were brazed on.

Margo said...

why don't you braze the quarters on instead of tig welding them?
Regardless, they look great!

Fort James said...

Since their are quarters for each state, you could use them when creating the forks. I will remember that when you build my next fork and send you the quarters!

Rob Young said...

Dude, it was minus 8 degrees Celcius out last night, and I could keep warm working in my uninsulated drafty shed. It's all about how you dress for it! Good boots, a good sweater and a headband go a long way...