...how well this extremely stupid idea works. Grinch badly needed the brake levers on my townie, so I gamely sold them to him for the low, low price of $10. Which I spent on beer.
Some of you may point out that it would probably be better to have this death-trap braking system installed on the rear wheel. I agree, but until I can find an old shifter cable long enough, the point is moot.
Maybe I'll make BSNYC with this setup. The hanging tatters of duct tape (used to "install" a light "system" at one point) should give it some extra curb appeal, not to mention the rusty imitation H-bars or the long-defunt steering damper mount integrated into the toptube.
It is just like a throttle on a motorcycle, only way different.
Good thing the Snob comes back from vacation this week.
Did you take the snoopy spring out of the shifter so it would turn without catching? Do those nicer, newer grip shifters even have snoopy springs?
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